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Improvement of tools for the analysis of AC/DC hybrid power systems with massive penetration of renewable energy sources and test-case scenarios (TED2021-130610B-C22)

A. García-Cerrada A. Tomás-Martín F.M. Echavarren F. Fernández-Bernal L. Rouco E. Lobato I. Egido J. García-Aguilar Carlos D. Zuluaga-Ríos

December 2022 - November 2024

Funding entity Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación

Participated by Universidad de Alcalá de Henares

Meshed DC grids have been possible for many years but the fantastic development of Voltage Source Converter (VSC) technology has made them practical, now. A hybrid DC-AC grid can make power systems more flexible than conventional AC systems although the specific advantages would strongly depend on the size of the power converters and energy reserves available. More specifically: DC/AC converter stations can support the voltage control in the AC system reducing the risk of voltage instability in the AC grid; DC/AC converter stations can support the AC system with additional damping in case of power oscillations in the AC grid, reducing the risk of angle instability due to poor damping in the AC grid; a DC grid can quickly supply additional power in a controlled manner to an area of the AC grid in case of emergency by extracting it from another area or from internal storage elements, reducing the risk of frequency instability. Noticeably, a DC grid can connect asynchronous AC grids to make a more efficient use of the spinning reserves in both systems.
The purpose of this subproject is threefold. Firstly, researchers use tools for the analysis and operation of hybrid AC/VSC-based DC system, already developed in previous projects, to investigate all the above advantages and contributions of VSC-based DC grids at system level and, when necessary, extended those tools. Secondly, researchers collaborate with the other subproject to elaborate demonstration cases for the above properties to be tested in a laboratory prototype the other subproject built. The prototype have to be scaled to represent important characteristics of a real power system. Finally, researchers simulate the case studies experimentally verified in characteristic test power systems in the literature (larger size, voltage and power than those of the prototype) to confirm the results obtained. Among others, these simulation cover two specific aspects: (a) the two subprojects collaborate to use similar real-time platforms they are currently equipped with and (b) long term simulation runs are carried out to validate the results from the smart energy management systems investigated by members of the other subproject. A clear understanding of the potential contributions of DC meshed grids to improve the flexibility of AC bulk power systems should help to integrate renewable energy sources (often non-dispatchable) to the generation mix and, consequently, to the decarbonization of the electricity sector, which could then supply clean electricity to many other industrial sectors.

Grant TED2021-130610B-C22 funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 and by “European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR”.

Layman's summary: The development of Power Electronics have transformed the old war between AC and DC into a fruitful collaboration which can improve the flexibility, reliability and resilience of traditional electric power systems. This project focus on tools that can make this collaboration possible and efficiente